great sex
involves not only knowing
the best moves and
positions to please
your partner, but also having
the strength and stamina
to execute those moves and
positions to perfection.
Now all the cutting-edge
advice for getting the body
you need to get the mind-blowing
sex you want comes
to you in Built for
Sex. This simple yet
revolutionary program is
anchored in a series of
scientific studies that
prove conclusively that
men who commit to a moderate
amount of exercise just
four times a week can expect
substantial sexual benefits.
The suggestions
in Built for Sex
will improve blood
flow and boost testosterone
levels to give
men increased sexual endurance,
strength, and flexibility.
Along the way, you’ll
discover how certain foods,
herbs, vitamins, and supplements
can dramatically enhance
the effects of your workouts.
Built for Sex
techniques and seduction
strategies for hotter
simple strength-training
program that focuses
on developing your
sex-specific muscle
groups for longer,
more vigorous lovemaking
19 essential guy-friendly
foods for maximum
performance, endurance,
and fertility
As a writer specializing
in men’s health, Scott
Hays has contributed articles
to Los Angeles Magazine,
Men’s Fitness, Muscle
& Fitness, Men’s
Health, and The
Los Angeles Times.
He is the author of Built
for Sex (Rodale Press,
Summer 2007), and the coauthor
of The Action Hero Body,
Lifelong Fitness, and
Heart to Heart.
For more information, or
to read more about Hays’
intriguing musings on health,
visit www.ScottHays.com.
Availabilty: Nationwide
by arrangement and via telephone.
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Acrobat PDF Reader here.
HAYS, a seasoned
fitness has contributed
articles to Men’s
Health, Angeles
Magazine, Men’s
Fitness, and
a variety other
publications. He
is the coauthor
of the books Lifelong
Fitness and
Heart to Heart.
He teaches the University
of California, Irvine
and other southern
California colleges.
For more information
on Scott, visit
The Complete Fitness and
Nutrition Program for Maximum
Scott Hays A simple
to follow food-and-fitness
plan for men, designed to
increase sexual drive and
plea-sure—and turn
any man into a great lover.
Not every
man wants to exercise. But
just about every man wants
to experience increased
sexual performance and pleasure.
Now that is not only possible
but easily attainable, thanks
to the 4-step physical and
nutritional fitness plan
in Built for Sex.
This simple but revolutionary
program is anchored in a
series of scientific studies
that prove conclusively
that men who commit to a
moderate amount of exercise
four times a week can expect
substantial sexual benefits.
Exercise alone will improve
blood flow and boost testos-terone
levels to deliver increased
sexual endurance, strength,
and flexibility; but attention
to proper foods, herbs,
vitamins, and supplements
can actually enhance those
benefits, trans-forming
a man into a veritable lovemaking
machine—some-one who
is indeed “built for
Rodale Books
Paperback original - $19.95
/ $26.95 Canada
December 2006 6” x
9” / 448 pages
165 black & white photographs
35 black & white illustrations
Rodale Inc.
Rodale Inc. is the authoritative
source for trusted content
in health, fitness and wellness
around the world, reaching
nearly 40 million people
each month. The company
publishes some of the best-known
health and wellness lifestyle
magazines, including Men's
Health, Prevention, Women's
Health, Runner's World,
Best Life, Bicycling, Backpacker,
Mountain Bike and Organic
Gardening, and is also
the largest independent
book publisher in America
with a collection of international
titles, including The
South Beach Diet and
The Abs Diet franchises,
and most recently Al Gore’s
New York Times
bestseller An Inconvenient
Truth. Rodale's broad
range of media platforms
includes magazines, books,
videos and extensive Web
sites. The company is also
a leader in direct-response
marketing and has more than
26 million active customers
in its database. www.rodale.com.
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