Copyright 1999 by Scott
Magazine: Workforce
Topic: The ABCs of Workplace
Byline: Scott Hays
Boosting employee literacy isn't just
good social engineering – it's an
economic necessity.
As long as he kept a low profile and
didn't draw any attention to himself,
Gilberto Hernandez figured he could coast
through life with limited reading and
writing skills.
Hernandez dropped out of school in the
ninth grade, entering the workforce because
he needed money to pay for food, clothing
and shelter. Prior to landing a job as
a groundskeeper for the Phoenix Parks,
Recreation and Library Department in 1997,
Hernandez toiled as a janitor for the
Phoenix Elementary School District. It
was a good job that paid well.
Still, he was nagged by the notion he
could do better, maybe one day even go
to college. So last year, when the City
of Phoenix offered Hernandez the chance
to attend six hours of classes per week
to improve his reading, writing and math
skills, and work toward his General Equivalency
Diploma, the 31-year-old groundskeeper
returned to school for the first time
in almost 20 years.
The Phoenix Literacy Program began in
1988 after a citywide search revealed
that many employees lacked the basic skills
to be considered "promotable."
The program has since served more than
1,000 city employees from seven different
departments. "They come out with
enhanced skills and increased self-esteem,"
says June Liggins, Phoenix personnel curriculum
and training coordinator. "The program
has not only made for more productive
city employees, but has met our demands
for a future workforce."
"Ever since I started taking classes,"
says Hernandez, "I've had a whole
new outlook on life."
Even Hernandez' front-line supervisor,
John Melisko, reports that "not only
have his communications skills improved,
but he seems more confident in himself.
He always has been a good employee; now
he's a better one."
As much as 20 percent of the American
workforce may be functionally illiterate.
In everyday work life, this deficiency
translates into secretaries who can't
write letters free of grammatical errors,
workers who can't read instructions that
govern the operation of new machinery,
and bookkeepers who can't manipulate the
fractions necessary to compute simple
business transactions.
The Washington, D.C.-based National Alliance
of Business (NAB) and the National Institute
for Literacy estimate employees' lack
of basic skills results in a $60 billion
loss in productivity for American companies
each year. Why? Because workers who can't
understand warning signs or shipping instructions
cause mistakes, workplace accidents and
damage to equipment.
According to a 1994 survey by the Bureau
of Labor Statistics, only 2.2 percent
of U.S. employees provided basic skills
training. And the skills shortage will
only get worse, thanks in part to the
integration of information technology
into the U.S. workplace. Gone are the
relatively simple single-product assembly
lines of yesteryear; in today's high-tech
workplace, one assembly line may produce
a dozen items, each with its own complicated
set of directions.
As American companies retool to meet the
demands of a new global economy, workers
must continually upgrade their knowledge
and skills to qualify as "promotable."
It's little wonder that U.S. presidents
and pundits alike continue to hammer home
the need to improve employee education,
efficiency and well-being. There used
to be a time when people who were functionally
illiterate could find jobs. No longer.
Modern economics demand a well-educated
labor pool, and skills have become the
key competitive weapon.
Employees' skills are employers'
competitive edge
The American Association for Career Education
in Hermosa Beach, California, defines
literacy as an individual's ability to
read, write and speak English, compute
and solve basic math problems, and develop
one's knowledge and potential through
listening skills. Of course, it's undeniable
that all of these skills should be taught
in high school, but in many areas of the
country, the nation's educational system
can't be relied upon to produce literate
If you believe the research that some
20 percent of the U.S. adult workforce
can't read the OSHA instructions posted
on a wall, and the dearth of basic worker
skills has a direct impact on company
productivity, then how can you afford
to ignore the problem? Yet most companies
will spend money to implement, say, a
new statistical process-control program,
only to discover their workers don't have
the ability to synthesize the information.
As technology becomes even more footloose,
employees' skills become the employer's
competitive edge.
Myron Kanning, vice president of human
resources for Batesville Casket Co., in
Batesville, Indiana, discovered several
years ago that workers at his company's
manufacturing plants didn't possess the
skills necessary to conduct on-the-line
quality analyses of burial caskets prior
to the final control inspection station.
"We tried to get our employees to
assume more responsibility, which would
have led to improved productivity, but
they didn't have the confidence to handle
even routine decisions," recalls
Kanning. "In order to move forward
in a rapidly changing market, you have
to make sure employees at lower levels
can assume greater responsibility. But
you can't empower someone who can't read
and write."
According to a 1998 survey by the Manufacturing
Institute's Center for Workforce Success
in Washington, D.C., one third of manufacturers
report that job applicants have inadequate
reading and writing skills, and nearly
one fourth report that job applicants
have inadequate oral and communication
skills. It’s estimated that deficient
employee skills have prevented one in
five manufacturers from expanding.
"We’ve got a lot smarter machines,
but few smart workers," says Phyllis
Eisen, executive director for the Center
for Workforce Success. "As an industry,
we're dancing as fast as we can to catch
up. Manufacturers are spending billions
of dollars every year on education and
training just to make up for what other
institutions have failed to do in the
past. Right now, there's a huge lag in
productivity on factory floors across
the country because workers can't learn
the new technology."
There's definitely not a lack of funds
available for adult literacy programs.
Both the federal and state governments
provide millions of dollars each year
for adult-education and family-literacy
programs; private sources expend additional
millions. But the problem persists. And,
more to the original point, as changes
in the nature of work require accelerated
skills and training, the line between
workers and supervisors and managers blur
as "work teams" help raise creativity
and productivity. Increasingly, those
companies most dedicated to training their
employees to do it better, faster and
cheaper will get the jobs.
Enhanced employee skills mean
better business
Most everyone agrees illiteracy exist
as a serious problem in society. Attitudes
associated with workplace literacy problems,
however, vary widely. Some CEOs and human
resources managers believe a lack of basic
skills in the workforce isn't their responsibility
– that it's up to employees to learn
on their own to better read and write.
Others realize they've got to stop blaming
the falling standards on someone else,
and to stay competitive, workplace illiteracy
must be treated like any other business
According to one survey canvassing more
than 300 executives, 71 percent reported
that basic written communication was critical
to meeting the challenging needs in the
workplace, yet only 26 percent offered
any kind of training. And while 47 percent
of the executives recognized the need
for workers to improve basic math skills,
only 5 percent proffered any kind of basic
math skills training.
So what's going on here?
Well, to begin with, HR managers know
there are never any easy answers in solving
a workforce problem – especially
one as sensitive as adult illiteracy.
At Batesville Casket Co., for example,
a literacy program instituted several
years ago failed to garner the support
of its own employees. "They were
too self-conscious to even come forward
and participate," says Kanning.
This is not at all atypical. It's estimated
that 10 percent of the millions of Americans
who can't read or write never participate
in literacy programs simply because they
don't want to admit, particularly to an
employer, that they can't read or write.
"Research indicates the illiteracy
stigma is comparable to that experienced
by victims of sexual abuse," says
Jack Fenimore, president of Newburgh,
Indiana-based Literacy Now, a nonprofit
distributor of educational material. "A
high percentage of people won’t
even admit to their own family members
that they can't read and write."
Raising adult literacy standards
Although most HR managers realize, however
loosely, the link between productivity
and the basic skill level of employees,
many still ignore the importance of workplace
training in improving competitiveness.
"Human resources managers need to
ask themselves, "What improvements
haven't we been able to do because of
the low skill level of our workforce?'"
says Steve Mitchell, senior director in
workforce development for the National
Alliance of Business.
So what can you do about it?
Too often, corporations spend money on
employee training for managers, supervisors
and salespeople, but ignore those at lower
levels of the workforce. Time and resources
need to be committed to solid training
programs that will combat adult illiteracy.
Between 1986 and 1994, for example, Schaumberg,
Illinois-based Motorola, Inc. spent $40
million to train 8,000 of its production
workers in basic skills.
Around this same time, the company also
started assessing job applicants who were
interested in working for its factories.
"We need people with the skills and
competencies to learn and apply new knowledge,"
says Don Moretti, director of human resources
selection and assessment for Motorola.
A program was developed based on extensive
job analysis. "We defined those requirements
that would lead to success, then developed
a test to measure those identifying components."
The results? "People who scored high
on the tests also possessed high performance
skills," says Moretti. "And
people who scored low on the tests possessed
low performance skills."
The three-hour assessment test consists
of multiple choice questions in four different
areas: practical arithmetic, reading and
comprehension, forms completion and visual
tracing. There's also a video-based assessment
tool. Moretti admits there's a certain
investment that's needed by any company
looking to develop an assessment tool,
"but we have a dollar value that
can show our return, over using just a
non-skid selection process."
The company finally discontinued its basic
skills training in 1994, "mostly
because our existing workforce has already
been trained," says Jim Frasier,
manager of learning research and evaluation
for Motorola University. "We also
know that our incoming workforce has the
required skills because they've passed
our assessment test." These days,
Motorola revalidates literacy and other
workplace skills, but focuses mostly on
how employees can improve their critical
thinking skills.
Maintaining employees' skills is crucial
Helene F. Uhlfelder, Ph.D., is director
with the Atlanta office of AnswerThink,
a management consulting firm. She says
that right now, there's a gap in the kinds
of skills and knowledge Corporate America
has and the kinds of skills and knowledge
Corporate America will need in the future.
"Which means you have two choices:
You either screen applicants differently,
or you train the ones in your existing
workforce. It all comes down to priorities."
And your priorities should meet not only
the needs of your employees and customers,
but also the needs of your company. The
City of Phoenix came to the conclusion
that programs had to be confidential,
voluntary and customized. Other Phoenix
features include attending classes on
city time, courses matched to meet individual
needs, and programs instituted at no cost
to city departments. On the other hand,
Batesville Casket Co. offers self-pacing
and self-study. Managers should settle
on whatever works best for each particular
"If we don't invest in our employees
today, we won't maintain our industrial
status in the world," warns Eisen
of the Center for Workforce Success.
Competitiveness in the 21st century will
turn on the quality of the country's workforce,
not just on its technology and management
know-how. By creating an environment in
which employees feel comfortable enough
to improve their skills, employers not
only engender loyalty, but increase productivity.
Boosting employee literacy isn't just
good social engineering, but an economic
Sidebar: Basic Skills Training
A successful workplace literacy program
requires a lot more than just stuffing
paycheck envelopes with brochures.
Unless you're one of those rare human
resources virtuosos who has a natural
talent for teaching, it won't be easy
designing and implementing w workplace
literacy program – especially one
that will help employees improve the skills
needed to retain their jobs, advance their
careers and increase company productivity.
A successful workplace literacy program
requires a lot more than just stuffing
paycheck envelopes with Project Read®
brochures. Most HR managers, all too aware
of their limited expertise in this area,
choose alliances with local educational
institutions, community colleges or even
private firms skilled in developing, customizing
and delivering basic workplace skills
programs. It's just easier than trying
to build something from scratch.
Be sensitive in your approach to skills
Developing a more highly skilled workforce
first requires a job analysis and skills
assessment to help you identify and close
the gaps in reading, math, communications
skills and other areas. The City of Phoenix,
for example, conducted a survey over a
decade ago that revealed many employees
lacked the basic skills to be considered
"promotable." As a result, the
Public Works and Personnel Department
partnered with local community colleges
and Literacy Volunteers of Maricopa County
to develop a curriculum for city employees.
"It's just more feasible to work
with outside consultants who already have
the assessment and training tools,"
says June Liggins, Phoenix personnel curriculum
and training coordinator.
However, assessing employees can often
lead to stress. Sometimes people think
they're at a higher reading or math level
than they really are. Most managers agree
the curriculum should be tied as closely
as possible to workers' skills and what
workers actually do.
You should also encourage employees to
transfer their newly acquired skills back
to the workforce to improve, say, cycle
times or marketing, or to increase employee
bonuses. Above all else, consider that
maybe you're better off relying on professional
instructors than the do-it-yourself approach.
Employee reluctance must be overcome.
Perhaps the toughest hurdle to overcome
is getting people to volunteer for a literacy
program. "Employees are just too
self-conscious," says Jack Fenimore,
president of the Newburgh, Indiana-based
Literacy Now, a nonprofit distributor
of educational materials. "They don't
want to admit they can't read, particularly
to their employers."
Years ago at Schaumberg, Illinois-based
Motorola – when company officials
first introduced a workplace literacy
program – employees were given the
opportunity to volunteer if they felt
they needed to improve their reading,
writing and math skills. Less than half
stepped forward. "But once employees
went back into the workforce and started
sharing their experiences, the participation
rate jumped another 20 to 30 percent,"
says Jim Frasier, manager of learning
research and evaluation for Motorola University.
Companies that really want to encourage
employees to get involved in their own
education need to convey straight from
the CEO's office that it's a business
issue that's driving the need for skills
improvements. Once that's established,
managers should consider a range of programs
that are both innovative and expansive,
not only for your existing workforce,
but for alternative labor people as well.
There are ways to keep the training
costs low
Although the Washington, D.C.-based Manufacturing
Institute's Center with Workforce Success
recommends employers invest at least 3
percent of total payroll to educate and
train employees, workplace literary programs
don't have to be expensive. For many small
and mid-size companies, there's little
expense beyond the time involved in planning
the program and releasing employees from
work to participate in classes. For example,
the cost of the Phoenix Literacy Program
has averaged about $2.25 per employee-contact
hour, according to city officials.
There are many ways to keep the
costs of your basic skills programs
low, according to Washington, D.C.-based
National Alliance of Business (NAB). Some
states offer tax credits, some unions
share expenses, and federal and many state
governments offer grants.
It's not even necessary to conduct classes
only at corporate headquarters. Collaboration
is actually a good thing for effective
training and education, and, in truth,
no single company, educational institution
or government agency can tackle the challenge
alone. "Companies need to sit down
with educational institutions and others,
and decide what specific skills are needed
in the workforce," says Helene F.
Uhlfelder, Ph.D., director with the Atlanta
office of Answer Think Consulting Group,
a management consulting firm.
HR managers need to consider these
key points
Workplace literacy training must meet
not only your company needs, but also
the needs of your employees – otherwise,
they many not participate. According to
NAB, there are a number of key points
you should consider when developing a
workplace literacy training program.